Լրացրեք Ձեր փոքրիկի տվյալները և մենք կհրավիրենք ձեզ մեր կենտրոն: Այստեղ կծանոթանաք երեխաների առօրյային և կտեղեկանաք ուսման,խնամքի,սննդի ապահովման մանրամասներին:
Ամրագրել այց

Բարի գալուստ
Քիդզվիլ Ակադեմիա
Քիդզվիլ Ակադեմիայի նախադպոցական ուսումնական ծրագիրը տիպային ստանդարտ չէ, այլ հատուկ մշակված է, որպեսզի երաշխավորի երեխայի բարձրորակ կրթությունը և հանդիսանա ամուր հիմք հետագա ակադեմիական հաջողությունների համար:
Ջոդիից, Սթիվենից, Աբիգեյլից և Լյուիսից

Thank you for taking care of Lewis for the past 4 years, and helping him become the independent, school-ready boy he is today. Special shout-outs to Chelsea for teaching Lewis wonderfully for the past 2 years, and to Doris for being patient with our fussy eater - he now eats some fruit and veg everyday! Thanks so much, everyone!
Սոնիից, Թոմից և Վերոնիկայից
To the team at Kidzville, Thankyou for welcoming us into the Kidzville family and for making Sonny's first year of daycare a great one! we hope you all have a great holiday season with your loved ones.See you in 2023!
Our Latest News From
Kidzville ELC In Australia
We are Digital!
Kidzville ELC is proud to recently launch our new app available to download
on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Parents will have access to real-time data about their child including vital stats such as Children Portfolios, Food & Fluid Intake, Sleep Checks, Health & Hygiene updates, account statements & other important information. Plus, parents receive photos, videos & updates throughout the day via social posting of their child learning and playing. You can also Book Casual Days, know what's happening with our Event Calendar, read and participate in our centre QIP and also have access to valuable parent resources and much more!
Only enrolled parents will receive an invite from the centre to download the app, once the child's attendance has ended their account will be deactivated.
Kidzville ELC Preschool Program
We have an amazing preschool Program delivered by NESA Accredited Early Childhood Teachers five days a week.
As part of our 4-5 Preschool program, we also provide ELSA which is a STEM (Science, Engineering, technology, Mathematics) based learning program to further support children's learning and development throughout STEM learning processes. ELSA allows children to play, experiment and make sense of the world around them – which is part of STEM, and also part of being a child. ELSA’s STEM Practices encourage children to ask questions, make predictions, experiment, and reflect on what happened and why
ELLA Educational Program
Kidzville ELC has implemented ELLA Educational Program for our Preschoolers (3-5 years old) and a Brochure is attached for your information. Over the last few years our children were introduced to French and Italian. We look forward to discovering new languages we can expose our children through the program.
2022 We will be learning Japanese
Menu Compliance Certificates
Our Centre's menu is accredited by Much and Move. This is a NSW Health initiative to promote healthy eating and supports the healthy development of children from development of children birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity, healthy eating and reduced small screen time. Please enquire with our centre if you have any questions about our menu.
Making it easier than ever to be smart about your sun exposure all year.
Menu Compliance Certificates
Kidzville ELC is proud to share our assessment report conducted by the NSW Government.
Sense of Community
At Kidzville we believe that a child’s family input is an integral component to their overall development. We aim to extend on children’s experiences with a holistic approach. As such, we welcome family feedback and contribution in all forms. Each classroom has an email address which provides open forum for families to share photos and gain up to date information of what is currently happening at the centre.
Our Parent Handbook will be emailed to all Families seeking further information about our Centre prior arranging Centre Tours with them
Please email our office kidzville.marrickville@gmail.com or go to book a tour on our website to make an appointment
Welcome Pack for Parents upon enrolment
Kidzville ELC's Cookbook
During 2019 our children and families created a multicultural 87 page cookbook with great recipes. Some of the recipes are used in our centre menu. The cookbook is available to purchase, please contact the centre.
Munch N Move
Kidzville ELC is also a Munch N Move centre! Click the image below to watch our recent collaboration Dinnertime Music Video with Much N Move.
Start Strong ծրագիր
Kidzville Academy-ն Start Strong ծրագրի պաշտոնական ներկայացուցիչն է: Start Strong ծրագիրը ինչպես տեղական նախադպրոցական, այնպես էլ երկարօրյա հաստատությունների համար այն հիմնական միջոցն է, որով Ավստրալիայի՝ Նոր Հարավային Ուելսի կառավարությունը աջակցում է նախադպրոցական կրթությանը բոլոր երեխաների համար: Այն նաև ծրագիր է, որի շրջանակներում կյանքի կկոչվեն նախադպրոցական կրթության բարեփոխումների համաձայնագիրը և "մատչելի նախադպրոցական կրթություն"նախաձեռնությունը: :